Increase website traffic free

Increase website traffic free

Increase website traffic free

Learn to Increase website traffic free and start making a sustainable online income. It is without doubt that the digital world offers a very high earning potential. The current richest man on Earth, Jeff Bezos, generates his money online. He has the largest eCommerce platform which yield billions. You might be wondering how this is possible. We’ll start by telling you that making money online and becoming a millionaire or billionaire is not the most difficult thing. The process is simply challenging but not impossible. You simply need to start an online business and grow traffic to start making money. Traffic to an online business is what generates money. We can even perceive traffic to your website as online wealth. Website traffic is perceived as the number of people visiting your website. You might want to know why website traffic is very important.

There is one main reason which is very simple. The more visitors you receive to your website, the greater the chances of having most of them converting to customers. If you are running a business, this will greatly boost your returns. For bloggers, the more traffic they get on their website, the more loyal readers and subscribes they get. This will also boost their earnings through advertising networks like Google AdSense. We know of bloggers who are earning around $20,000 per month. They are able to earn such due to the high traffic they receive on their websites. The next question to answer is that on whether it is easy to get website traffic. Getting website traffic can be quite simple and at the same time challenging. It is simple for he who knows how to go about and challenging for newbies.

Steps to Increase website traffic free

Optimize your website content

Website content optimization is the pillar or foundation of the whole system on driving free traffic to your website. Any webmaster who is serious about driving free traffic to his/her website can’t omit this step. It is the first step to be taken by a professional webmaster. Failing to take this step serious will bring down all your efforts to make money online. Just have it in mind that there are thousands of websites seeking to rank for the same key words as you. Thus, without optimized content on your website, there is no need to dream of having traffic from major search engines like Google. So how do you properly optimize content for search engines and human readers? This is the next question we’ll be answering. We bring elements of answers to this question in several steps.

Get to know your current traffic statistics

Anyone who wants to increase website traffic free must start by knowing their current traffic statistics. Knowing your current traffic statistics will give you direction on how to go about increasing it. It will allow you to better trace the impacts of your efforts on boosting traffic. In other words, you’ll clearly see how your efforts are affecting your traffic growth. This step is encouraging. It will motivate you to work harder. You can easily do this through Google Analytics. Simply start by getting your Google Analytics Tracking Setup. Once this is done, you’ll be able to access the performance of your website to see if your efforts to get more visitors are positive. Some of the important metrics which you should check are page views, unique visitors, average time on site, pages per visit, bounce rate, traffic sources, and exit pages.

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Note here that it is worth regularly checking your website traffic. Chances are high that you’ve heard of the saying that “what gets measured, gets managed”. Why this saying? We all know that in the quest for more website visitors, you’ll embrace and implement many techniques. And for sure, not all are effective. Some will just eat up your time. That’s why you need to regularly check your website for improvements so as to know what is working and what is not. This will permit you to focus on doubling your efforts on those strategies that are working. In this way, you’ll boost drive more visitors to your website. Hence, checking your website traffic a few times during the week is something worth doing.

Develop a strategic content marketing plan

A strategic content marketing plan is one of the ways to increase website traffic free. However, there are some strategic content marketing plans that require a little amount of money. This is where many businesses fall off the track. Some businesses do not even have marketing plans. A good number of businesses have marketing plans which are not strategic. A strategic content marketing plan is necessary for any business that wants to make its way in the digital world. Failing to document your content marketing strategy can negatively affect your chances of succeeding in the business. Here, we are trying to say that you do not only need a strategic content marketing plan. You also need to document this content marketing strategy.

The types of content that should figure in your strategy are blogs, videos, eBooks, infographics, and podcasts. The best strategic content marketing plan includes all what we’ve just mentioned. Make sure that your strategy takes into consideration the primary goal of your content. Also take into consideration the frequency of posts and your well defined audience. In your strategy, do not forget the steps to set your content apart from the competition. And lastly, put down steps that you’ll use to reach out to many people and get them reading your content.

Write more captivating blog headlines

A captivating or eye catching headline is what actually sells your content. Thus, if you want your content to be easily ranked by major search engines like google, you must focus on writing captivating blog headlines. A captivating blog headline will get your article read by many people. The two things which you should focus on when optimizing your headlines are search traffic and social traffic. You do this by making sure that your headlines are of the right length and they contain the right key words. Always make sure that your key words appear at the beginning of the blog headline. Make sure that your blog headlines are captivating enough to generate clicks from social medias.

Always make sure that your blog headlines are below 70 characters. This will prevent them from being cut off in Google Search. Make sure that your blog heading possesses value. Write it in a captivating way that people will want to read your blog. You can write something like “How Y can do Y”, “Y people are doing Y”, “How to do Y”, “How can I Y” and “How to Y”. Y could be an activity or something that people are searching. Still on how to write better headlines, you can as well ask a question or use list posts like 10 ways to or 5 ways to. A good blog headline is one which creates curiosity and a sense of urgency. Make sure that your blog title is clear as possible. Also use power words to trigger emotion in the readers.

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Invest in Key word research

It is without doubt that you need the right key words in order to rank high in major search engines and receive traffic to your blog. So how do you find the right key words? You’ll obviously need a key word searching tool. There are many tools out there with their different degrees of efficiency. One of the keyword search tools that you can use is the Google Keyword Planner. With this tool, you simply need to write down a few terms related to the blog post you want to create. The tool will then provide you with different possible keywords that you can use for your blog post. It also provides average monthly search volumes for the different keywords. You’ll also be provided with the different competition levels for each key word. That is, the difficulty in ranking for those key words.

Highly competitive keywords are hard to rank. If you use such keywords in your post, you’ll hardly have it ranked high by Google. And as a result, you’ll receive very little to no organic traffic from the post. That’s why you should go for low competitive keywords with high monthly average searches. Such keywords are the best for those who are serious about ways on how to increase website traffic free. You can be sure that you’ll increase website traffic free by simply going for low competitive key words that have a high monthly search volume. This is part of On-page Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You must note here that optimizing your content with keywords does not generate traffic overnight. It takes time but you can be sure that it will certainly pay.

Write better than your competitors

The secret to ranking high is writing better than your competitors. Search engines are in search of the best content. They want the best informative articles for a large audience. And you can be sure to rank high and receive traffic to your website by writing irresistible contents. Captivating headlines without informative content won’t help you much. Poor content will lead to the immediate bouncing back of visitors who are coming to your website. And you can be sure that this bouncing rate will make an ugly traffic report for your website. Such reports will inform advanced search engines like Google to lower your ranking position. The next question we’ll be answering is that on how to write better content. Make sure that the beginning of your content is captivating enough to keep your readers going. Many website visitors bounce back upon reading the introduction of an article.

That’s why you must start by investing in your introduction. Make sure that it answers a few questions or brings value to the reader. You can start your article by briefly pointing out how helpful it will be to the readers. From the introduction, you have to give your readers a reason why they should continuously read your article. Short paragraphs with clear sentences should be taken seriously. When editing your content, always read it aloud in order to pick out all mistakes. Remember the saying that “it is not all that looks good on paper that sounds good”. For sure, you won’t want to present articles with errors to your blog followers. Interesting stories can be used to keep visitors for a longer period on your website. Stories connect people emotionally and easily cause them to take actions.

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Use captivating photos to increase website traffic free

We are almost certain that you have heard of the saying that a picture worth a thousand words. Perhaps you were in doubts but we’ll tell you that this saying means a lot. The truth is that an eye-catching picture can do wonders for your traffic. Eye-catching photos can make your blog more visually appealing to visitors thereby keeping them for longer periods. Worth noting is the fact that pictures promote and boost social media sharing. By this we mean to say that many people will turn to share your content on social medias and this is good for ranking.

Prioritize internal linking

Internal linking is one of the secrets to ranking your website high. Unfortunately, many websites neglect this aspect and end up struggling for traffic. You should not only focus on getting external backlinks to your website. It is true that they’ll boost your ranking and traffic but that’s not all. You must take internal linking serious. Internal linking makes it easy for search engines to crawl your website. It also facilitates navigation within your website for visitors. Internal linking helps search engines to better understand the architecture of a website so as to credit it. It can also turn out to be a great way to revive your old post. Linking to old post will generate more views and reduce bounce back rate.

Use social media platforms to increase website traffic free

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn can be used to generate lots of free traffic to your website. You simply need to create an account on these social media platforms. Get engaged with content shared by others while promoting yours as well. This will generate free traffic to your website and you’ll be able to make a lot of money.

Do not neglect guest posting

Guest posting is a SEO friendly approach of getting backlinks from authority sites to yours. Strive to get dofollow backlinks which will pass raking juice to your website. Major search engines love backlinks. These backlinks are like votes representing the quality of your website. And the more votes you get, the higher you are ranked for free organic traffic.

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